Thursday, April 5, 2012

I Am Thrilled....

  • that my children are so into the Easter story again this year. The Resurrection eggs are a huge hit!
  • that we got to hold and enjoy our 40 new, baby chicks. I know they'll soon be ugly and in 8 weeks we'll butcher them, but for now, we'll enjoy their cute, fluffiness.
  • that my girls chose fresh strawberries over Peeps at the grocery store.
  • that the old apple tree is no more and that my hard-working husband planted our 4 new fruit trees-2 apple, 2 cherry.
  • that SPRING is here!
  • that garage sale season is just around the corner.
  • that one Easter dress is finished and the other one won't take long.
  • that my son is actually catching on to adjectives in his Language book.
  • that school is winding down for the year.
  • that I get to go see my big sister and her family next week.
  • that we finally bought a real piano.
  • that my boys got to enjoy choir and that they did so well on their final program.
  • that although my house is dirty, my heart is clean, and my cup is full.
  • to put away the snow clothes for another year.
  • that my raspberries are finally trimmed.
  • that Jesus paid the Ultimate price for my sin.
  • that I am finally understanding GRACE a little bit better.
  • to celebrate Easter.
And there's another one of my 'happy lists'. I am kind of a 'list-y' person. It helps me organize my brain. ;) A real mix of spiritual and practical, that's me. I hope you can find lots of things that thrill you as well. Life is entirely too short to get stuck on 'empty' or 'ungrateful' for very long. As we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, lets allow Him to fill our hearts with His love and joy.


  1. So I'm just so jealous that you are going to be in MO. I WANT TO BE THERE TOO!!!!! I can only imagine all the laughter, good conversation, etc. Please just come see me here in CO one day. :) ♥ u!

  2. Such a great list! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ok, weird things happening here.

    I love your list!
    - I'm so glad you get to spend time with your sisters, what a blessing!

    - I'm excited about garage sale season too, we should go together sometime.

    - yeah for understanding adjectives

    - "understanding GRACE a little better", me too! :)

    - I think it's time to get together to "chat" again!

  5. I love the Ressurection eggs, too!! We also make a resurrection scene in cake pans with dirt, stones, a toilet paper tube grave and stick crosses that we all love to create. Happy Resurection Day! Renee

  6. Always you inspire me with your gratitude and your organization, two things I have a LOT to learn about. Two things I love about this post: "that although my house is dirty, my heart is clean, and my cup is full" and "Life is entirely too short to get stuck on 'empty' or 'ungrateful' for very long."

    Enjoyed catching up on all your posts again. I am kind of out of the loop with blogging right now. Happy resurrection day! -Luci-
