Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Just Stuff

My brain has been spinning out blog posts but it's all a jumbled mess. Sometimes I feel like that's what my life is-just a beautiful mess. And while I like to compartmentalize (is that even a word?) my life, a lot of it doesn't have a category to fit in. Random deep thoughts float out into space....the important thing I was going to tell my husband when I get the chance got lost somewhere in the midst of telling someone to brush their teeth, someone else to go to bed, and still another someone to please get their jammies on, NOW, and the brilliant idea I had, well, it drowned in the dishwater. Throw in some major mommy guilt, a pack of lies from the Devil, tired mommy brain, and an ironing pile to beat the band, a disorganized house, dirty drawers and cupboards, well, it really makes my head spin.

And while I know my struggles and on-going battles, I also know my Father. The recent 'high' I've been on spiritually couldn't last forever. I know that. But I also know that the same God who wowed me a hundred times lately is still right here beside me. And in the midst of my jumbled thoughts and discouragement, I choose joy and gratitude. And I'm hanging on to Jesus for dear life through the valley.

So without further ado, here's what I'm thankful for today:

The first amazing little radishes from our garden:

A great 3 days of special memories from last week:

16 more days of school!!!!!!!

My hard-working husband who knows how to fix lawnmowers, again, and again, and again....and never complains:

My free-spirited little girls, who love life so much:

My imaginative, kind, and competetive son:

My athletic, helpful, and creative son:

My new sandals.....(sorry, no picture)

Chicken Spinach Alfredo Lasagna (which I enjoyed more than my family did)

Walks down country roads.

And a happy rest-of-the-week to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. We really NEED to meet somewhere for a day this summer. Do you guys have a Saturday to meet us at the Omaha Zoo? I think our kids would have a lot of fun well as I. ... Lovely "real" post.
