Monday, April 23, 2012

Rewards, How I love Thee

I am big on motivational charts and rewards. One thing I love about them is that I can reward good behavior and deal with bad behavior, all with the same system.

This year for school, we went with another version of my Point System. New charts were posted each week, x's were put in the boxes for behavior issues, and at the end of the week, each box that didn't have an x received points. I also gave points for perfect Bible Memory and having their work done in a timely manner. The goal was 8000 points.

It was the first part of April, when my two boys hit their goal. They were delighted! Now they could plan the evening family activities of their choice. So after some debating, the whole family went bowling and then to Texas Roadhouse for supper, which happened to be planned purposely on a Kid's Night to make it extra fun.

What a fun time we had bowling! The kids absolutely loved it! So did the parents. The Mom/teacher even wiped out and took a mighty fall, causing the Dad to nearly die of laughter and the Mom to die of embarrassment. But lucky for her- she got a strike in the process!

The days of school are nearing an end! If you hear shouts and screams from this direction of the world, that's why. We love school. We also love summer vacation.


  1. Fun! And what a good, organized mom you are. We just went bowling as a family for the first time the other day too. It was a great time. Happy summer vacation to you.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun. I'm excited to see y'all next week end. (If I can just make it through the days til I get there, that is)

  3. Your bowling looks & sounds remarkably like ours. :) It's been awhile since we went, but the girls love it. (more so than the mom ;) )
