Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Of Weather, Birthdays, and God

I just checked the weather and I couldn't believe it! We are currently having 72 degrees, while Pryor, OK, and Dallas, TX, (2 places I've visited recently) are 20 and 10 degrees cooler, respectively,  than here in the Midwest. After more than a week of this amazing weather, my body has grown accustomed to it and rather likes it. So does everyone else in the house. Picnics, garden planting, cleaning vehicles, hanging laundry out, raking up leaves, picking up sticks, going on walks, and lots and lots of fresh air have been on the agenda here. Cheeks are turning pink, bare feet are getting 'broke' in and sidewalk chalk is being put to good use.

In the midst of it all, I celebrated another birthday. The day of my birthday I went to a women's seminar several hours away with my Mom and sister. It was a blessed time indeed. The food, fellowship, and friends I got to see was all wonderful. But the best part was the way I felt God met me there. After 10 minutes of listening to the speaker, I felt God specifically show me an area of unforgiveness in my life. It was such an amazing experience the way He ministered to me through the speaker's words.

I had several hours at home with the children before my dear man took me out for a birthday date. We had a wonderful meal and even more wonderful conversations. Oh, I love that man of mine! Almost 12 years of marriage and truly he's my best friend and favorite person to spend time with.

Sweet cards, gifts, blog comments, and lots of love from my family....what a great birthday. I am so blessed.

My to-do list for this week looks like this:

organize closet in school room
clean vehicles
can dry beans (32 pint!!)
shop for my Daniel Fast
buy black pants for boy's concert
cut out pattern for girl's Easter dresses
cut and sew girl's Easter dresses
sew skirt for Annika
make pie crusts for freezer
trim raspberries
exercise 3x (1 down)

As you can see, I have plenty to do.

If you live where the weather is nice, do get out and enjoy it.


  1. Happy Birthday! I'd almost forgotten our birthdays were so close together. And oh, how I love this amazing warm weather. Spring is almost a MONTH early here! It's unbelievable!

  2. Happy birthday, Wanda! I'm catching up on your blog and wow. I learned some new things about you from someone else's perspective. So now I want to meet you all the more. You have really sweet nieces and I think it's so cool that they love you so much. You sound like such a wise and understanding person. And your birthday is very close to mine as well. I turn 38 on the 24th. :) Belated happy birthday! You inspire me in your stability and the way you put heart and soul into having a good marriage and happy family.

    Enjoy your lovely weather. It's snowing here. And very nice photo of you and your husband. Happy spring.
