Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Love....

...warm spring days, especially following a cold, snowy day.
...taking my kids to town with me when I'm not in a hurry or have a long list.
...good conversations with dear friends.
...talking/learning about nutrition.
...a good {short} run.
...my homemade white chocolate latte.
...salads in any way shape or form.
...dates with my husband.
...serious talks with my kids.
...hearing my husband's latest idea.
...homeschooling my kids.
...hearing my daughters make up songs and stories.
...chocolate, especially homemade cream cheese truffles.
...shopping for bargains, online or in stores.
...reading a good book.
...my new NASB Bible.
...watching my tulips poke their brave little heads out of the ground.
...hearing stories from the 'olden' days.
...thinking about how much God loves me, how quickly He forgets my sins, and how much He wants me to share His love with those around me.

And now, because it's only right and fair to share, my recipe for:

 White Chocolate Latte.

Heat 3 cups of milk.
Put 2 T. instant coffee, 1 tsp. vanilla, and 1/3 cup of white chocolate chips in the blender.
 Add milk and blend until smooth.
Pour into large mugs and add a dollop or 2 of whipped cream.
Makes 2 generous servings.

{This is a favorite after-the-kids-are-in-bed snack at our house.}


  1. Mmm your white chocolate latte sounds delightful!! And your "chocolate,especially homemade cream cheese truffles make me feel hungry and longing!:) Love you!! ~Rhoda

  2. I really like your list Wanda. Especially the latte, and the chocolate, and the conversations with good friends, and the shopping for bargains.....well, you get the idea! :)

  3. Oh my, that latte sounds delicious!! I will have to try it. Thanks for sharing it. :)

  4. mmmmm.....I can't wait to try the latte. So sweet of you to share your recipe.

    And your happy list makes me happy too. )

  5. Can't wait to try that latte! :) ~Rosalyn
