Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Today was a most unusual day here at our house.

About 6 months ago, when our children were going through a time of grumbling about having to work around the house, my husband and I hatched this crazy idea. Sometime we would have a "Do What You Want" Day. The children could do whatever they wanted all day. They could get up when they wanted, wear what they want, eat what they want, and choose their own activities for the day. The only rule was that I couldn't do anything for them. We did make an exception for Miss Brooke, who is only 3.

Today was the day. Oh, boy.

The children were so excited about this 'awesome' day, as they dubbed it. They slept in a little, watched lots of movies and played computer games, wore jammies all day, didn't comb their hair or brush their teeth, and ate lots of eggs! Logan had scrambled eggs for breakfast and supper and he made 2 egg sandwiches inbetween. We are an egg-lovin' family, but seriously, if I served only eggs for an entire day, I think I'd be in trouble. The others ate lots of eggs too.;)

The messy house, well, about drove me crazy. The children's beds didn't get made, and the kitchen looked like a war zone. I just tried not to go in there very much. I also got to choose my daily activities. I discovered that since I didn't have to cook, I definitely had more free time. I started the day with a run. I managed to sew 2 little flowergirl dresses for the girls as well. I was very thrilled to be able to cross that off my to-do list. The dresses are very simple, but needed to be lined. They still need zippers, hems, and sashes, but I think I can manage that sometime in the next 30 days.

Lesson learned? By tonight, my listless children were getting bored. And a little grouchy. And maybe tired of eggs? Perhaps even ready to have a new day tomorrow, where Mom has lists of chores and we keep the house looking like a place we want to live in.

I suspect they won't forget this day for a long time. I even suspect they will talk about it to everyone, making it sound like an amazing experience. I suspect they are also glad it was only for today. I sure am.


  1. And it sounds like my kids today but it was not because we planned it....But when mom and dad both have the stomach flu, it leaves the kids to manage on their own. I'M hoping for a better day tomorrow too!!! :)

  2. Now THAT was a brilliant idea, I think! It's reminds me of a children's book my parents have in which the farm animals got so mad at the rooster for always waking them up so one day the rooster just didn't crow. Naturally, life on the farm went haywire, and after subsequent days of the OTHER animals taking turns trying to wake up the farm and failing, they humbly came back to the rooster and asked him to resume his rooster-ly duties. :)

  3. What a creative idea!!! Love it! I might have to try it!

  4. I love it! You have got to be on the very top of the "most creative mothers ever" list. Way to go! Sounds crazy wild.:):):) But you're kids will treasure the memory.

  5. I love this! I must try it. Only I'm afraid some of mine would love it too much. :)

  6. comment above written by Luci :)

  7. Now THIS sounds like a good idea! :) I especially like the part that Mom can't do anything for them....I think mine would get tired of it pretty quickly. ;)
