Monday, June 11, 2012


She was having a bad morning, this 5 year old daughter of mine who is growing so fast that some days I see a glimpse of what she is becoming. I was frustrated at her, for crying over the tangles in her hair, getting mad because she had to get dressed, and being really upset because I asked her to go make her bed. I'm thinking how are we gonna cope when the hormones start to change? I have a long list of things to do. Why can't everyone just cooperate? (My agenda, I know) Suddenly, without thinking twice, I reached out and enveloped her in a big hug, patting her back, saying things like, "You are really having a bad morning, aren't you?" and "I'm sorry." I left the scolding out of the affection. She clung to me for forever. Afterwards, she was a transformed little girl. I couldn't believe it. What a change. All she needed was a hug. Really? Was it that simple? Why do I miss it so often?

It's called GRACE.

I need it too. I run to my Father God and bask in His embrace. He loves me for who I am, not for who He wishes I were. And when we feel loved, we can face almost anything.

Invite GRACE into your home today.


  1. Do you know how beautiful this post is to me? It's very beautiful. It touches my heart. You are a good mom!! :) ~Dorcas

  2. Beautiful post!!! And encouraging and true! Can't wait to see you in less then a month!! ♥ u!!

  3. SO good. I need to try a hug instead of nagging sometimes.
    -And I liked your last post too, you busy lady. I hope your trip went well. -Luci_

  4. Thanks for the reminder! I want grace to be extended to me, but I so often fail to give it to others! Esp. my little people. You are a beautiful example!! Luv u!! :)
