Monday, May 14, 2012

Coffee With Mom

Recently, we observed the 27th anniversary of Dad's death. I wanted to do something special for Mom, something out of the ordinary. So I invited all my sisters-in-law and we met Mom at the Coffee House. Some of the grandchildren came along, too. We had a good time together, and while we didn't just sit around and talk about Dad, I know it means a lot to Mom when we remember that life-changing event. It was actually life-changing for all of us. But a lot changes in 27 years. Only 2 of the 8 in-laws ever met Dad, and only 3 of the 38 grandchildren were born before he died. But somehow, his life continues to leave an impact on each one of us. Just yesterday in church, my Dad's cousin told me again how happy Dad would be if he were here and could enjoy my children. However, we know he is experiencing joy beyond compare, and that comforts us. 


  1. Wow, 27 years ago...I bet your mom misses him so much. (All of you actually) Losing someone is tough. How wonderful to know that he is in Heaven. And how Wonderful that you will all be together again someday.

    A very sweet day you planned for your mom.
    Happy Monday to you. =)

  2. Hello dearest aunty. I see that second picture simply HAD to be posted, huh?
    Love the post, by the way. And the post about the cream soups....simply inspiring. Great idea.
    Love you much!
