Friday, February 17, 2012

Dad-Shaped Hole

It was her first date. She was so excited. She took a long bath, got dressed up all pretty, put a flower in her hair, and waited. She had never been on a date before, but she knew it was exciting.

She came home- her face aglow. Her and her Daddy ate french fries and ice cream together. She delighted in his undivided attention. She felt loved. This was her first date, but hopefully not her last.

Today, there is a young lady in Oklahoma who has a dad-shaped hole in her heart. He loved her and cared for her for 30+ years. Now he's in Heaven and she's left to make sense of it all.

I was in her shoes, 26 years ago. The hole never closes up. It's always there. Time heals, but a girl never stops needing a Daddy.

I watch my daughters. They adore their Daddy. There are times when it seems like he is the only one who can turn their world right side up. They don't even know what they have. The relationship they have with their Daddy will greatly shape who they are, who they become.

There are also many daughters who have this Dad-shaped hole, but their father is still alive. He chooses not to meet their needs or perhaps, due to a variety of circumstances, doesn't even know how to meet their needs.

In spite of our circumstances, we all have a Father who desires a relationship with us that is even more fulfilling than our relationship with our earthly father could ever be. And when we allow our Heavenly Father to love us in the way that he desires, we will find comfort and love that passes all understanding.


  1. How very special!! Our little girls are SUCH daddy girls and I love it!!!

  2. This made me cry, Wanda. You'll be uniquely able to relate to Amy now. It was really, really good to chat with you this week.

  3. Such a lovely thing to do... I read about it all the time but it isn't something we've started yet with our girls. I need to suggest it.

  4. awww. Your little girls are lucky. And so are mine. And though my relationship with my dad wasn't like my girls have with theirs, I love him very much and am so grateful I still have him! Your story of losing your daddy at so young an age always makes me feel like crying. What IS a girl to do without her dad?! I love your thoughts here.

  5. I think that it watching my daughters with their daddy makes me realize how much I missed out on not having my dad, and not having a good relationship with my step dad. A girl really does need a dad!!

  6. I love to read your blog!! It is challenging and encouraging. :)
