Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Down A Country Road...

I love to go on walks. My favorite time to walk is either before breakfast or after supper. If I go after supper, well, there are 2 young ladies that beg to go along. And what kind of heart-less mother would say no to that?

But you see, I love to walk ALONE. Just me and God. I can think in silence, pray without interruptions, and hear from God. 

Since we home school, I rarely get a moment alone. So I like to think that I NEED these walks, maybe even deserve them. 

I must admit, I seldom actually say NO to my walking buddies. I try to remind myself that some day I will wish for my chatty little walking buddies. I remind myself that walking buddies now=walking buddies later. Taking time to build our friendship now will hopefully pay off later. 

Tonight after supper I said, "Who wants to go on a walk with me?" The girls both yelled, "I do!" We headed down the road. I heard them talk about many things. We said "Hi" to the neighbor's horses and talked about what kind of horse they are. We talked about our dog and how he loves to run with us when we go walking. We talked about many other things. Nothing heavy, nothing spiritual. Just us 3, spending time together.

As we were walking in the lane, I thought, you know, maybe I did hear from God tonight on my walk after all.

I heard Him in my daughter's giggle, I saw Him in the beauty of nature, in my daughter's smile, I felt Him remind me to slow down and enjoy TODAY.

It was a good walk. I even felt refreshed in my spirit.


  1. Enjoy the girls now. Later you will wish for those moments again!!

  2. Your girls are adorable! I know how it is to long for a little alone time, too. God bless!
