Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Jamison turns 11!

It was 31 days ago to be exact. We were in the midst of hosting the coolest cousins ever from South Carolina. We made cupcakes and served him breakfast in bed. We gave him presents. But we post-poned the official party and meal-of-choice until later. Much later.

He invited his best friend from church and his good friend from his basketball team. And of course, his brother, Logan.

It was a real boy party. Dirt, noise, sand, sleeping in a tent, eating food that Jamison requested, talking, football, laughs and playing in the old barn.

Jamison has grown up so much this past year. I still see the little boy, but a fine young man is peeking through, as well. 
Here are 11 fun facts about Jamison-
  1. He loves, loves to read and is completely unaware of the rest of the world when he's into a good book.
  2. He prefers pie over cake any day.
  3. He is a perfectionist.
  4. He is very skilled on his ripstick.
  5. He makes his bed every morning.
  6. He's on a 'pop fast' this year.
  7. Little boys love when he plays with them.
  8. He loves Math and Science and History.
  9. He memorizes Scripture effortlessly.
  10. He loves a good joke.
  11. He is very competitive.
We are blessed to have him in our family!

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