Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January- Hunger Awareness

Every year in January, I like to set a few goals for the month, mainly centered around healthier eating/Daniel Fast related for my own personal self. This year was no exception, but I really wanted it to be a family project. Leon was reading a book called Ten Days Without  by Daniel Ryan Day and he was really challenged by the concept of doing without to raise awareness and make us more grateful people. So all this to say- we came up with Hunger Awareness for the month of January. It was pretty simple and nothing too drastic, but it has been a very good experience for all of us, and one the children won't soon forget.

The end of December I stocked up on some basic grocery items. Aside from milk and eggs, we would not be buying any groceries the month of January. So far I only bought bananas and lettuce.....so I mostly stuck to that plan.

We went 3 days without any sugar. That was really, really good for us and something we could do more often.

We also went 3 days without meat. That was a bit more challenging, but we still ate very well. The chicken pot pie got made without chicken, we enjoyed the rice and beans and eggs and grilled cheese, but the black bean burgers were kind of a stretch. They actually looked and tasted good, but the texture was kind of like mashed potatoes, and it just did funny things to your brain.

We are nearing the end of the month, and yes, I do need to go grocery shopping again. The pantry and fridge are emptier than usual, but we ate very well this month in spite of it. I thought outside of the box and we did without. We saved a lot of money on groceries and all you need to say is 'black bean burgers' and most grumbling ends.:)

I asked the children for their opinions on the month. This is what they came up with:

Brooklyn- "It's hard to go without sugar." (Can you tell she's got a major sweet tooth?)
Annika- "It showed us how some children feel when they don't have some kinds of foods."
Jamison- "It made us aware of how much {we} have. It was a good experience."
Logan- "It made me more grateful. It was all good except for the black bean burgers, and going without sweet tea."

We are still talking of an electronics fast sometime. I really wanted everyone to go to bed hungry at least once this month but that never happened.  The comment was made by one of the children, " But why do that to ourselves if we actually have enough to eat?" Hmm. Still pondering that one.


  1. I have sympathy for you in regards to the black bean burgers. We've tried, really tried, to like black bean burgers but it hasn't happend. I've made them several times, using different recipes and it is always the texture that throws us! I have a recipe for sloppy joes using lentils instead of meat, it's better than the black bean burgers but still is a stretch :) Lent is a wonderful time to fast from electronics. I've given up facebook for lent several times and it was hard.

  2. I've been without sugar for almost a month now, minus 1 cheat. ..... It's pretty amazing how sweet stuff is now!

  3. Such good ideas you have. And you don't just dream on pinterest. You actually flesh them out. Thanks for posting about it.

  4. great idea-so neat that you did that as a family! I loved hearing your kiddos thoughts on it. =)
