Friday, March 15, 2013


(This idea comes from Shelly. at

Outside my window...
I see tiny signs of spring. I am hoping that it is just around the corner. Tiny shoots in the flowerbed, a faint haze of green in the yard, spring birds settling in again, buds on the trees, thank you God for seasons, but thank you especially for SPRING. It is such a hope-filled season.

I am looking forward....
to a 'hot' date with my wonderful husband tonight in honor of my birthday that is just around the corner. i had no idea that 12 years after I said "I Do" I'd still be so in love with this guy. Sure, I hoped I would, but really? I wouldn't trade our relationship now for back then, no way. he has blessed me a thousand times and then some by speaking life into me, loving me unconditionally, and just being Jesus to me.

I am thinking...
about forgiveness and how it's so much deeper than I once thought. It takes a daily commitment to forgive and love and bless those that hurt you. I wish I could say I have 'arrived' on the issue, but I'm still battling through it.

I am thankful...
that Leon didn't hurt his hand worse when he ran it through a pulley this morning. I am thankful for home remedies and ibuprofen.

I am listening...
to my new favorite song called "Need You Now" by Plumb. Oh, that song was written just for me, I think.

In the kitchen...
I just tried a great tomato soup recipe, but sadly, it's just for me. My family doesn't seem to appreciate it much.

One of my favorite things...
is a caramel frappe from McDonalds. Crazy, I know, but it is

A picture...
from 4 years ago. Sunday morning finery.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely thoughts Wanda. :) I, too, love spring and also haven't figured out all to the forgiveness bit. Enjoy your date with Leon and have a wonderful, blessed birthday.
