Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Just Stuff

 How Many Times A Day Do I........
-shut off lights
-laugh at some hilarious child
-put someone's shoes away
-say "Please close your mouth while you're eating."
-close the inside door
-clean up a mess
-empty the farmer's chore clothes hamper only to see it full again. (slight exaggeration)
-cry out to God for help
-say "no"
-thank God for health, my family, my LIFE
-say  "Put your things away."
-dwell on Heaven
-say "Treat your sister {brother} the way you want to be treated."
-spread joy when I feel grumpy
-compliment someone
-dwell on less than perfect situations
-praise God

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins baked this week- 28
Beautiful spring days- 1
Piano lessons- 4
Loads of laundry-8
Breakfast cooked- 3
Gallons of milk consumed- 1.5
Walks I took- 1
Kissed my husband- oops, forgot to count (aren't you glad?)
Fractions explained-7
red x's made in my children's books- 30?
Science lessons taught- 2
Chapters read to my children- 8
Memory verses reviewed- 13 verses, 3 x each= 39
Floor swept- 2

Here are some pictures of our first glorious spring-like day-

The first fire of the year, they roasted and ate a whole pack of hot dogs at 2 PM, and I had just fed them lunch.

Meet our dear caterpillar friend. Today is probably the first time all week that he/she has gone for an hour without being fed or held or sang to or carried around exuberantly in circles through the house. I think I hear sighs of relief coming from her/his direction. The insecurity it is feeling due to having it's name changed at least 4 times already, well, I can't even imagine. Meet Fred/Speedy/Patch/Sophie- he is perched on the top of Brooklyn's stick.

Brooklyn- "Mom, why are you reading a magazine?"
Me- "Because it's for home school mom's"
Brooklyn- "Oh, I thought you were just being lazy."

1 comment:

  1. love this. especially the part about brooke thinking you were being "lazy". =) what a joke!
