Thursday, July 11, 2013

Letter To My Youngest Son

Dear Jamison,
We are so grateful to have you in our family! How can it be 10 years already?! Your big brother was 8 months old when we found out about you. We were a little overwhelmed with the thought of another baby. But you have been such a blessing! God knew exactly what He was doing when He sent you to our family.
When you were born, you were bald and neither Grandma wanted to claim you. But you were the sweetest baby ever. After the first several months, you nestled into a schedule and were so content and happy. Our lives were really crazy at first, with what seemed like 2 babies.
You were seeking adventure from the get go. At 6 months of age, in a week's time, you started crawling, sitting alone, and pulling yourself up beside furniture. Then you really got in trouble. One night in the middle of the night, we heard a tremendous crash. You had stood up in bed, pulled the doily off the dresser beside you, and crashed the lamp and large ceramic piggy bank in your bed. You were a bit bewildered but unhurt. You also pulled over a large floor lamp and narrowly missed cracking yourself in the head. You were walking at 10 months.
I'll never forget how you coaxed your big brother into that mud puddle! He was not accustomed to getting dirty but his little brother plowed right into that puddle and then Logan decided it's not so bad to give it a try.
You and Logan were inseparable. You were fiercely competitive and so even though you were smaller, you often came out on top.
You started school with an eagerness to learn, and you still love to learn. You especially love to read about amazing stuff, like stars and space and sea creatures. You can get completely lost in a book.
I love your kind heart when you play with your sisters or other kids a lot younger than you. That's why all those little boys love you so much. You are also very generous and you'd just as soon spend your money on other people as yourself.
God's got a big plan for you, Jamison, and I'm so glad I get to be along for the ride.

And now here we are, you just celebrated that big 10th birthday!
 Jamison with his two best friends, his brother, Logan and his friend ,Lucas

 His birthday present- picked out by his Dad!

Happy birthday, son. We love you!

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