Tuesday, December 4, 2012

random {that very overused word of the day}

I feel like I must write. I haven't really blogged in so long. It's very theraputic for me.  I have an extremely busy week and it seems like this is perhaps the last thing I should do. I'm forgetting the to-do list for just a minute and giving myself 10 minutes to rant about random things in my life.

The timer just went for the pie crust I'm baking. I love, love having frozen pie crusts in the freezer for desserts at busy times. Tonight the pie will become a peanut butter cream pie and hopefully grace the table of one of our pastor's family's for a belated Pastor Appreciation meal that was supposed to happen back in October.

I want to do some Christmas baking. I have to make cut-out cookies. It's a family tradition around here and I know better than to mess with those. I also want to make party mix and those Peanut Butter Blossom cookies.

Logan's basketball consumes way more of my time than I like. Running him to practice 4x a week is so NOT my cup of tea. But watching him get to play last week made up for it. (sort of) It's been a dream of his for a very long time and I love the good things he can learn in sports.

We had steaik fajitas for lunch and if I ever overeat, you can blame Mexican food.....or steak and potatoes...or salad..or grilled chicken....or fresh homemade bread....Sometimes I wish for no appetite, but then I remind myself that only the sick people have no appetite so maybe it's not a bad thing, as long as I control it.

Thursday looms before me like a giant monster stalking me...coming closer and closer. Yes, a dentist appointment is on the schedule for the afternoon. I never had a cavity until a year ago, of course if you didn't go to the dentist for 8 years before that you don't know what you have, :) but suddenly I learned about cavities and root canals and I do not like it. Not one little bit.

Why do some people have such a hard time being okay with their past and where they've come from? It's all part of our story and most of us can find at least a  little bit of good in how we were raised. I feel sad for people who spend their whole life running away from it and missing the good parts along the way.

Relationships can be tricky no matter where you are at in life. Getting along w/ people is not an art you learn overnight. Usually honesty is the best policy, but then that's the way I roll. For you, that may be totally offensive. I just don't like when I feel your frustrations toward me but to my face you are all friendly and sweet.

Last night I poured out all my woes of my busy week to my kind husband. He listened, and offered a bit of advice, but I felt so much better afterwards. He has been so helpful when I get overwhelmed and he is my solid rock more times than I can count.

It's really hard for me to admit when I am busy or overwhelmed. I am a firm believer that people choose the life they live and for some people being insanely busy is their status symbol, the way they are known. Count me out. I want to enjoy life. But having said that, sometimes life happens and things come up that are not in our control and that's okay too. Sometimes.

There is nothing worse than a whiney, fussy girl on a Sunday morning unless you make that two whiny fussy girls. For real. I think Satan just walks in here on Sunday mornings and tries so hard to rule the roost and too many times I'm too dumb to notice it was him until it's all over.

Watching people interact with my children is the coolest thing. I hope my children grow up to take an interest in other people's children. What a blessing and example youth can be to younger children! We are so, so blessed with a youth group that loves our kids and not just in a crazy, 'I'll have fun with you ' kind of way, but 'I'm reallyt interested in you and your life'.

My 10 minutes are up, my brain is a little de-fuzzed and I'm off to tackle the next project.


  1. Homemade bread...yeah, that's a downfall of mine too. especially once I add 50 pounds of butter to it! You are right..relationships can be tricky. I agree with you, Honesty IS the best policy. If we're honest, it clears the air and you can work through things...if we're not, then that cloud is always hanging over! and I hate those clouds. You have such a sweet life. Your family sounds so lovely. Enjoy your busy week. I don't always like running, running, running either. I am not a person who likes a full schedule, but it does feel good when those weeks are finished and accomplished. Hope yours goes smooth. Happy Tuesday to you. :)


  2. oh my. I think you and I would get along quite well. Because I feel the same way that you do about running from the past and honesty in relationships.

    Somehow I missed this post and the last one you wrote. I hope you don't mind that I just catch up in a pile. :) Your December sounded VERY busy and fun. Luci
