Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer Scenes

The need to blog rises up within me. But time eludes me. There are 2 flower girl dresses to finish, cookies to bake, bookwork to do, beans to pick, children to love, summer to enjoy, meals to plan, and many other things that take my time. The could-be blog posts swirl through my brain, things like "How to Raise Successful Adults", (ha,ha, like I would know) "Unity Isn't Diversity, or Is It?", "Follow Your Vision, Not Someone Else's", "Can Parents Pray Enough?" or "Why I Love To Garden".

But for today, I'll just share some of my favorite pictures of summer thus far. And then I'll go enjoy these amazing summer days before they end. A box of curriculum came today. I sat and looked through it for awhile, then put it away and promised not to think about it until August. At least.

Picnics on the deck

One of the best things we did this year was to let the 3 oldest have their own garden plots. They are about 3x5 areas, and it has been so fun to watch their enthusiasm and hard work. I love to garden as well, and most days, towards evening, you will find me walking through my 'paradise' and soon I'll have all 4 children out there with me. I just treasure our times in the garden.

"Look, Mom, a baby watermelon!"

Our first ears of corn appearing. (These pics are a bit dated, because we have already eaten our first corn.)
New kitties

stories in the yard

'fishing' for sharks


pure sweetness

Happy makeeveryminutecountthatsleftofyoursummer to you!

1 comment:

  1. oh. Sigh. I just love summer! May it never end.

