Saturday, February 14, 2015

Just One

I'm just one of many, but I like to think that my story is unique.

I was about 14 weeks 'along'  when the doctor told my mommy that I wasn't healthy. I was going to be a Downs Syndrome baby and would possibly be deformed. (Whatever that means....who looks 'normal' around here anyway?)

The doctor said that the kindest, most loving thing my Mom could do for me was to abort me. To end my life.

My Mom wrestled with this. She was older, a single mom, and considered high-risk. She really felt like abortion was wrong. But everyone said it was the best thing for me.

The best gift for me was to end my life?!

The abortion appointment was made. Then Mom met a lady at work who was a Christian. Mom told the kind lady about her plans for me. The lady asked if she could please meet Mom for lunch.

They met and talked. The kind lady told my Mom that she herself was supposed to be an abnormal baby and her parents chose life for her. She told my Mom that every life is precious. She encouraged my Mom to find someone who could care for me and adopt me as their own child. I liked that idea.

When the lunch ended, my Mom had a phone number to call, and my future was looking much brighter. I was so thankful to the kind lady for talking to my Mom. Mom told the lady she would cancel the abortion appointment.

The kind lady texted a bunch of her friends. People were praying for me. Lots of people. People my Mom didn't know.

God was busy. He was laying the burden of me on people's hearts. There were some family's who were willing to adopt me. God even revealed special things about me to one of them.

My Mom called the clinic to make an appointment to talk about options. Options like adoption.

But then Mom changed her mind.

And it was all over. My chance at life. My opportunity to impact the world. Just like that, it was all over. I know I'm just one of many. But I'm just one who could have made a difference in my world, if given the chance.


(This is a true story about a little girl that was aborted this past week. Oh, how our hearts broke as we heard the news of her abortion!)

Rest safe in Jesus' arms, little Hope.


  1. This is really good Wanda. It's heart breaking to think of how close this lady was to the truth... but her story isn't over. I'm convinced one day she will shine with God's redemption!

  2. This past July my husband and I made the exact opposite choice. Now we have a sweet, beautiful baby boy with an extra chromosome. He is perfect. 95% of the people given the diagnosis both this mom and I were given abort. We were asked 5 times in one week to abort. Don't get me wrong, our journey has had crushing heartbreak and much pain but....we chose life. And we are so glad we did. I think I may have heard about this mom and her story. It broke my heart and lit a fire in my belly. All the things I didn't know...she didn't many don't beautiful life can be with blessings we don't understand. My heart aches for that sweet baby and for that mother.
    I have learned so much...been changed so much...grown so much and God has answered every prayer I prayed. I encourage us all to pray for this mother. I am so grateful that our God is a God of forgiveness and compassion. Praise His holy name.

  3. Thanks for writing this. I sobbed when I heard about this last week...and you told the story so well...somehow, this situation has brought the whole abortion scene really "close home" for me...

  4. This story broke my heart...both when Dorcas told me + when I read your post. And all the times I've thought of it in-between.
