Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Warrior

you seem so strong,
fighting along,
through battle after battle.
you encourage the weak,
give words to the speechless.
you lift the hands that hang down,
help the brother to go on,
fight on your knees for them all.
and everyone says you're so very brave, 
but I know.
I know where your strength comes from.
I see you wrestle through the long, lonely nights,
begging for God to stop the pain.
I hear you say, whisper it low,
I'm not superman.
and the questions and fears
you say through your tears,
nobody hears but God.
but He gives you courage 
to fight like a man, 
and hold your shoulders high.
and He never fails to come when you call,
and fills you with His strength alone.
And that is enough,
when everything falls,
to know that God's on your side.
He's writing your story,
and He's not finished yet,
and you already know Who wins.
so continue the battle, 
though it's fierce and it's hard,
God's not leaving you now,
and His strength is enough,
for the days that you face,
and someday He'll call you home.
as you rest in His arms,
and hear Him say, welcome,
you'll know,
the fight was totally worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Could you write your testimony that you talked about at the retreat.
