Saturday, April 11, 2015

From the Archives...

I was reading through my old blog posts today and found one I thought I'd re-post. Here we are....6 years later. Life is still interesting around here, but in a different way. :)

Mother of Boys - Wednesday April 1, 2009
You know your a mother of boys if:
  1. your grocery bags disappear, and later reappear as parachutes
  2. your son helps you clear the table and throws the bag of baby carrots in the fridge drawer from way across the room (Yeah! Made a basket!)
  3. your dirty laundry goes flying through the air on its way to the pile in the laundry room
  4. the laundry basket sounds like a car with its muffler missing
  5. the bath tub is a good place for experiments, like how far does the water go if I land like this...
  6. your kitchen scissors is always missing
  7. your scotch tape is always empty
  8. every drawer in the kitchen is open while the dishwasher is being emptied, so that when the job is done, all the drawers can be slammed shut at once
  9. you go to bed at night and find a small grain elevator in the making on your bedroom floor
  10. soggy washrags litter the bathroom counter because who ever heard of squeezing all the water out and laying it neatly across the sink
  11. you've said hang up your coat, or close the door, or put your shoes away, at least 20 times by the end of the day
  12. one hour after a meal you can expect to hear, "Is there ANYTHING to eat?"
  13. you see cartwheels, jumps, and somersaults on a typical walk through the house
  14. tackle football is as common in your living room as reading a book
  15. your living room window gets broken because someone was trying to get the kitty cat's attention
  16. water is not a necessity; first it is for fun, then to drink if we get thirsty, and last of all, for cleaning purposes
  17. you've heard the phrase, "But I'm not dirty, why do I need to take a bath?"
  18. you've received the biggest hugs, sweetest cards, and greatest compliments from, none other, than, your boys
  19. You know the difference between a backhoe, excavator, bulldozer, skidloader, wheel loader and what each one does (this is also partly due to the 'boy' I married)
  20. your stainless steel popcorn bowl has a ding in the side from the BB gun (please don't ask about this one)
  21. you've learned how to breathe through the feelings of panic that arise from your offspring attempting daring feats
  22. you don't know what caused that awful looking bruise on your son's leg, and he doesn't either
  23. you pray for them, and dream of them becoming godly men someday, who will have all their energy guided in the right direction
  24. you get excited about dead birds, squirrels, rabbits, and mice


  1. This is pretty good!!!!!:) I've got six boys myself, the youngest is still pretty young yet.... I do love my boys!:) (We also have one girl).
    Keep enjoying them!:)
